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Natural-Vit 作为一种补充剂,正在市场上出现,为治疗患有慢性上呼吸道感染 (URI) 的 患者提供更合适的解决方案。这没有任何限制,可以给予 any 年龄的患者。 Natural-Vit 提供完整的 Relief of 感染 (URI),保证 100% 满意。我们对您的满意充满信心,我们很高兴为您运送一瓶 2 盎司的瓶子,前提是您承担运输和处理费用。单击样品瓶,我们很乐意为您发送样品以供试用。


10毫升的数量;相当于一汤匙。前三天每天两次服用两汤匙。然后从第4天-第7天每天两次1汤匙; 保证an excellent结果。最后你会感到焕然一新。


庫存單位: 001
  • Natural-Vit is an amalgam of eleven organic products that form

    antibodies when combined in the correct dose. This activates and

    strengthens the immune system to fight bacteria and viruses before,

    during and after the person becomes ill. The way this supplement works is to destroy the protein coat that secures the genetic material of the virus or bacteria, disrupts its instructions that help them replicate once inside a cell.

    As a result, the person begins to experience substantial relief once the product is ingested. Its main effects on the system are to protect the nucleus of the host cell from the virus by preventing it from being destroyed. Therefore, the virus cannot survive the shield created by the supplement, which prevents it (the virus) from performing its tasks, which is practically the core of its functionality. Once the virus cannot enter the nucleus, it cannot replicate within the person's body to cause serious damage to this important network of messaging devices on organ function.

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